Our Achievements April - June 2023
Your Purpose. Our Mission.
Our achievements
OTA has achieved key wins in advocating for the profession, embarked on a Workforce Development Project, developed resources to support the next generation of OTs and kept our members updated on topics impacting the profession.
Your support is essential to allow us to achieve - Your Purpose is Our Mission.

Advocacy and advancement
Your membership supports our advocacy efforts to ensure the work being done by OTs and the challenges they face are brought to the attention of Government and other decision makers.
Key advocacy areas
NDIS / Disability
Aged Care
Mental Health
Veterans Support
Other Third-Party Schemes
Our most recent advocacy wins
EAP Addition
OTs have been added to the professionals who can provide mental health services through Employee Assistance Programs (EAP).
NDIS Review Engagement
We achieved strong engagement with the NDIS Review panel after OTA raised key scheme issues.
Develop Submissions
OTA developed submissions to the NDIS review, NDIS Pricing Review, and Royal Commission into Defence and veteran suicide calling for more access to OT MH services.
Advocate for Mental Health OT in funding schemes
We collaborated with South Australian and Queensland workers’ compensation schemes on new mental health fee schedule items for OTs expected for release in FY 23-24.
Mental Health OT recognition with WorkCover Tasmania
OTA has undertaken advocacy leading to the announcement that WorkCover Tasmania will recognise the mental health expertise of OTs in its Workplace Rehabilitation Provider Accreditation Framework.
Budget Commitment from Tasmanian Government
We achieved a budget commitment by the Tasmanian Government of $6 million over the next few years to fund OT/allied health student placements under the University of Tasmania's new Allied Health Expansion Program.
Occupational Therapy Workforce Development Project
We are embarking on a Workforce Development Project that will deliver a plan focusing on the ways OTA can support OTs on the ground, both now and into the future.

Supporting the next generation of OTs
We have recently launched our student hub together with our Student Career Webinar Series. Our SCWS saw over 400 students receiving advice to ensure they get the very best start as an OT, setting them up for success.
We also have an Early Career Launchpad which includes free online courses and resources to support OTs in the early stages of their career. More resources and support will be available soon.
Insights and industry updates
Editions of OT Today
CPD Bulletins
OT Jobs Bulletins
Issues of Connections Magazine

Free Member Forum
Our Government & Stakeholder Relations team secured an exclusive forum for our members with new NDIA CEO Rebecca Falkingham. This forum saw over 330 of our members get exclusive insights into the NDIA had an opportunity to have their questions answered. Become a member or renew your membership to ensure you’re notified of future member forums.
"Well organised and to the point."
"This was a great opportunity to hear our thoughts and concerns raised in a positive and productive way. Thank you."
"Good questions, representative of what I wanted to hear about - particularly FCAs and recommendations."
"It was encouraging to hear such a positive response from Rebecca and I hope her attitude filters down to the other levels of the agency."

Growing professional communities with over 36 Special Interest Groups
Special interest groups are free forums for members to support each other in a relaxed and friendly space. They’re a fantastic way to share knowledge in your area of practice and claim CPD points. With over 36 SIGs to choose from, we’re sure you’ll find the perfect group for you.
>2,600 professional practice enquiries answered*
OTA members can contact us to get general guidance on topics related to professional practice.
*From July 2021 to June 2022
Get support from our partners
Insurance available through Aon
Aon is the preferred insurance broker to Occupational Therapy Australia, and they have worked with us and insurers to create insurance cover tailored for the risks commonly found in occupational therapy.
Maurice Blackburn Lawyers
Maurice Blackburn Lawyers is the preferred legal partner for Occupational Therapy Australia compensation law, public liability, employment law, superannuation claims, wills and estates planning and insurance claims.

WorkPlacePLUS is our preferred HR/IR provider for support with employment matters and workplace issues affecting your practice.
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