Compensation Schemes

Our ongoing advocacy work helps protect the financial viability of OT services under compensation schemes and makes sure that people receive high-quality care under these schemes.

Compensation Schemes   Hero

How do we advocate for OT compensation schemes?

We advocate across the Australian workers compensations and transport accident schemes to advance the recognition, remuneration and conditions of OTs and address know issues affecting OTs and the people they support. Your membership provides you with the opportunity to voice your issues and concerns and provide feedback on what improvements you’d like us to advocate for.

Your OTA membership helps fund and support the advocacy work we do for the profession everyday.

Advocacy Parliament Canberra

Member Priorities

Our members want compensation schemes that offer:

  • Fair remuneration for their services and travel and fee increases
  • Recognition of the critical role they play in supporting individuals that have been injured at work or in a transport accident, and their unique skills in role of OTs in assessment and treatment
  • Recognition and fair remuneration for advanced qualifications and experience
  • The opportunity to work within their full scope of practice, such as issuing certificates of capacity
  • Streamlined administrative processes
Workforce Development 3-5 Year Operational Plan

Our Advocacy

We actively advocate to resolve issues raised by our members

  • We engage with regulatory agencies across the various schemes, to raise the profile of OTs and advocate for fair remuneration and conditions
  • We provide feedback to inform inquiries and reviews, incorporating feedback from our members.
How you can help

How you can help

We welcome feedback about your experiences working under compensation schemes and your ideas about how these services can be improved.

We will take your feedback to the government and key stakeholders to advocate for better outcomes for OTs, and the people you support.

Contact us
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