About Us
We are Australia’s peak membership body for occupational therapy. We represent over 30,000 occupational therapists across Australia to empower their professional lives. We proudly offer our members expert practice advice, community and peer support, evidence-based training and tireless advocacy for the occupational therapy profession.

Team and Governance
OTA is led by a passionate Executive Leadership Team, governed by the Occupational Therapy Australia Board and informed by our Divisional Councils at a state and local level.

Our strategy honours our history and achievements and paves the way for a future where occupational therapy continues to lead and grow as an allied health profession.
Our vision is to empower OTs and their communities
Our purpose is to protect and progress occupational therapy in Australia
Progress, pride, empowerment and connection are the guiding principles that nourish our strategy.

Occupational Therapy Australia is a community built on shared values, compassion, and a deep commitment to promoting inclusion and occupational participation in society. Our reconciliation journey is one of continuous learning, and we are steadfast in our dedication to fostering deep mutual respect and understanding of the diverse cultures that enrich our nation.

Social Justice
Climate change action group OTs can contribute to environmental sustainability, promote eco-friendly practices, and support communities in adapting to the impacts of climate change.
Cultural awareness action group OTs can provide culturally competent care, address diverse needs, and support inclusive practices in various healthcare settings.
LGBTQI+ action group OTs can provide inclusive and affirming care, address unique needs, and promote mental and physical well-being for LGBTQI+ individuals.
Join OTA to participate in an action group and contribute to the future of informed care.

Occupational Therapy Australia was formed in 2009 after national members voted to consolidate all divisions within the Australian Association of Occupational Therapists (AAOT) to form Occupational Therapy Australia Limited.