Partner with Us

Occupational Therapy Australia is the peak membership body for occupational therapy. We support over 30,000 occupational therapists across Australia. We understand that our audience of passionate and engaged professionals is vital to the growth of many businesses and we invite you to explore the targeted opportunities across partnership, advertising and event sponsorship packages to help increase brand awareness and drive growth. Opportunities are available across all OTA events and publications.

Contact us
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Why work with OTA?

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Customisable packages

We understand that every partnership is unique. Whether you’re interested in event sponsorship, digital campaigns, or long-term collaborations, we work with you to create a package that maximises your exposure and achieves your goals.

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Reach a diverse and engaged audience

89% of our members being women and 51% are aged 35 and under, we connect you with a dynamic group of professionals who are both digitally engaged and forward-thinking.

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National and local reach

We have members across Australia, and our events, conferences, and communications provide multiple touchpoints to engage with OTs where they live and work.

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Amplify your brand

OTA provides unrivalled opportunities to position your brand within the occupational therapy community. From conferences and events to digital platforms and publications, we create touchpoints to connect your business directly with OTs across Australia.

Contact Us

For more information, complete the form or contact:

Kirra Miriklis
Manager, Partnerships and Sponsorships
Occupational Therapy Australia
Phone: 1300 682 878
Mobile: 0451 807 647

Occupational Therapy Australia

Email: 1300 682 878
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