Foundational Supports - Early Childhood Consultations

Published: Tuesday 25 February 2025

OTA participated in the final session of the PRECI consultations on 20 Feb. The consultation sessions were held as part of the Review of Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) and development of a Framework for guiding early childhood practice.

We have welcomed the extensive consultation process put in place to support the development of the framework and its involvement of families, young people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and the broad and multidisciplinary set of early childhood professionals. This approach is one that should be replicated in other areas of disability reform. We have been pleased to see extensive involvement by occupational therapists throughout the review and consultation processes, and through the strong leadership by occupational therapist and academic, Professor Christine Imms.

The discussions during the consultations focused on establishing principles and guidance to support decision-making about how to collaborate and set goals, where and how to deliver early childhood interventions, how to consider the frequency, duration, and intensity of supports, how to monitor and evaluate outcomes, and importantly, how to support cultural safety and diversity.
The discussions were positive and we anticipate helpful guidance for families, policy makers and professionals as a result of the process.

The draft components of the framework that we have seen to date strongly support and align with occupational therapy practice. It is our view that the framework provides a clear foundation for a strong role for occupational therapists in an evolving early childhood support system.