Social Justice Groups

OTA members can be involved in Social Justice Groups that learn from lived experience to inform the profession and the association about safe and affirming care. Become a member to contribute to our social justice efforts.

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OTs in Action: about Social Justice Groups

OTA’s strategic plan is underpinned by principles of diversity, inclusion, sovereign relations, environment and governance. We believe that our community is richer through embracing diversity and inclusion and that lived experience is a powerful source of knowledge and wisdom.

That is why OTA has action driven social justice groups across three key areas of interest - Climate Change, LGBTQI+ and Cultural Diversity. These groups advise, recommend and implement action focussed plans for deliverable outcomes across policy, awareness, resource development, learning and advocacy.

The action plans focus on three main areas:

  1. Lived Experience
  2. For the Profession
  3. For the Association

Social justice groups enable OTA to listen, respond, advocate and take action for the principles of social justice access, equity, rights and participation.

With your voice and passion, we demonstrate the role the Occupational Therapy profession has to empower and enact change.

Together with the OTA Innovate Reconcilliation Action Plan (RAP) and our journey to understand and commit to sovereign relationships with First Nations peoples, OTA continues to lead the profession and embed cultural and community diversity through recognition, respect and inclusion of all demographics and communities.

If you would like to join an OTs in Action Social Justice group, become a member and contact us with your expression of interest.

Social Justice Groups - Climate Change

OTs in Action: Climate Change

OTs can contribute to environmental sustainability, promote eco-friendly practices, and support communities in adapting to the impacts of climate change.

Social Justice Groups: Cultural Diversity

OTs in Action: Cultural Diversity

OTs provide culturally competent care, address diverse needs, and support inclusive practices in various healthcare settings.

Social justice groups: LGBTQI+

OTs in Action: LGBTQI+

OTs can provide inclusive and affirming care, address unique needs, and promote mental and physical well-being for LGBTQI+ individuals.

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