Introduction to Motivational Interviewing for Occupational Therapy Practice

Introduction to Motivational Interviewing for Occupational Therapy Practice

This interactive workshop introduces participants to the core elements of motivational interviewing and how they can utilise in their practice.

Program Overview


Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a particular way of talking with people about change and growth to strengthen their own motivation and commitment (Miller & Rollnick, 2023). MI provides workers with skills and strategies to support people to make meaningful changes, particularly when change is a struggle. MI offers ways to deal with common issues in practice such as ambivalence, relapsing conditions, lack of importance, confidence and readiness to change, and discord between client and worker. 

MI has a strong evidence base demonstrating its effectiveness in a wide range of areas including mental health, substance use/addictions, physical health including lifestyle, exercise, nutrition, body weight, pain, oral health and within education, employment and custodial services.  

This practical workshop introduces participants to the core elements of MI. It will provide opportunities to practise skills, to apply these across a range of service delivery settings and to bring occupational perspectives to using MI. The training will use a variety of formats including lecture style, videos, demonstrations of MI in practice, small group and pairs activities to practise skills, reflection and discussion, opportunities to trial MI tools and goal planning to apply in practice. 

By attending this workshop, you will:  

  • Gain a clear understanding of what MI is, when and why to use it, and how it works 

  • Understand and master key MI skills including: 

  •    The spirit of MI 

  •    The four tasks of MI - Engaging, Focusing, Evoking, Planning 

  •    OARS (Open-ended questions, Affirmations, Reflective listening, Summarising) 

  •    Change talk and sustain talk 

  •    Managing ambivalence 

  •    Responding to discord 

  •    The stages of change model 

  •    Offering advice and information 

  •    Importance, confidence and readiness 

  • Be able to bring an MI approach to practice alongside your current approaches 

  • Understand how occupational approaches align with MI and offer opportunities for adaption 

  • Gain a toolbox of practical MI strategies you can implement immediately 

  • Have resources and ways to continue to develop your MI practice 



This training is suitable for Occupational Therapists at any career stage as well as OT students. It is ideal for beginners and also those who'd like to refresh their skills, improve their confidence or who want to be updated on recent changes to MI based on the latest textbook published in 2023. It will support OTs in all areas of practice including clinical, educational, community, private, health and wellbeing, leadership, disabilities, families and children, older persons.  



This is a 2-day interactive online workshop with a follow-up online Knowledge in Practice session to support consolidation of learning.  


Day 1: Friday 21 March 2025 

Day 2: Friday 4th April 2025 

Day 3 Friday 2nd May 2025 (Knowledge in Practice) 


Friday 21st March & Friday 4th April 2025 

10:00am – 4:00pm | AEDT | ACT, VIC, TAS, NSW |   
9:30am – 3:30pm | SA | 
9:00am – 3:00pm | QLD | 
8:30am - 2:30pm | NT | 
7:00am – 1:00pm | WA |  

Friday 2nd May 2025 (Knowledge in Practice) 

9:00am – 11:00am | AEST | ACT, VIC, TAS, NSW, Qld |   
8:30am – 10:30am | SA, NT | 
7:00am – 9:00am | WA |  

Registration commences 15 minutes prior to start time each day 
Online via Zoom. Login details will be sent to registered participants prior to the workshop. 

CPD HOURS: Total CPD claimable workshop hours: 13 

A certificate of attendance will be issued upon completion of the full course. Please allow up to 48 hours for the certificate to appear in your CPD tracker. 


Participants will be assigned 12 weeks to access the course materials via our online learning platform. 


This is an online workshop which includes activities and group interaction. Participation will require a PC, laptop or similar device with a video and microphone. For the best experience of the workshop we recommend a quiet and private space to limit interruptions, promote audio quality and afford privacy to all participants during activities.  


EARLYBIRD – Register on or before 26 February 2025 

OTA Member: $710 
New Graduate Member: $640 
Non-member: $920 

STANDARD – Register on or after 27 February 2025 

OTA Member: $780 
New Graduate Member: $700 
Non-member: $1020 

Members must be logged in with username and password to register at the member rate. 

RSVPS close 16th March 2025, 11:59pm AEDT 

Note: All pricing is inclusive of GST 


All information is correct at the time of publication. OTA reserves the right to alter or delete items from the CPD calendar as required, and takes no responsibility for any errors, omissions, and changes.  

All resources including copies of the presentation, along with all supporting documents and links are not for distribution and are the property of the presenter.  

An OTA staff member or representative may be photographing this event for use in OTA publications and/or on OTA social media sites. If you do not wish to be photographed, or have your image published please make this known to the OTA representative at your course or contact OTA on 1300 682 878 or  


Terms and Conditions including OTA’s refund and cancellation policy are available here  


Please email or phone 1300 682 878  


Presented By:

Michelle Taylor

Michelle has over 25 years experience working as an Occupational Therapist in the areas of mental health, complex care and addictions. She has worked in Australia and the United Kingdom as a clinician, clinical educator, professional lead and consultant in the public health systems, not-for-profit and private sectors. In these roles she has used Motivational Interviewing to support her clients and teams, as well as whole services, making changes. She has led the introduction of MI through models of practice, supervision, training and education, resource development and lecturing at universities.  Michelle has a particular interest in applying occupational perspectives to MI and integrating and adapting MI to meet the unique needs of clients, therapists and communities. She explores the ways MI is an intervention requiring considerable levels of auditory processing, verbal skills and executive functioning and how access to MI can be enhanced when bringing approaches from Occupational Therapy. Michelle has a Master of Arts (Research) in which she explored stories, fear and empowerment and she also enjoys integrating MI into the expressive arts.

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