Mental Health Foundations
Mental Health Foundations provides a comprehensive e-learning pathway for occupational therapists, covering all key foundational capabilities an OT should seek to achieve when focusing their scope of practice on mental health.
These 7 self-directed Mental Health Foundations Modules will support practitioners in their pathway to OTA Mental Health Endorsement.
Program Overview
Mental Health Foundations consists of seven self-directed eLearning modules. The Modules are designed for early career OT practitioners or OTs who are new to mental health practice.
The full suite of Modules, provides a comprehensive learning pathway for occupational therapists, covering all key foundational capabilities an OT should seek to achieve when focusing their scope of practice on mental health. The modules also assist in the pathway to Mental Health Endorsement.
These Mental Health Foundations Modules are beneficial to an individual practitioner as well as to employers of a new graduate practitioner. The Mental Health Foundations can support a ‘Graduate Program’ in a small or medium-sized private practice or larger-scale mental health service.
Built on the OTA Mental Health Capability Framework, these self-directed eLearning and development Modules will assist occupational therapists in focusing their scope of practice on mental health to build foundational knowledge and skills. These Modules have been developed by OTs for OTs.
The seven Mental Health Foundations Modules cover the following:
Mental Health Assessment and Planning:
Functional capacity assessments
Mental state examinations
Risk assessment
Personal safety planning
Environmental assessments
NDIS assessments
Physical health assessment
Mental Health Systems, Mental Health Diagnoses and Co-occurring Factors:
Addresses mental health frameworks, systems, legislation, common diagnoses, occupational therapy models, trauma-informed practice, child and adolescent development, substance use disorders, cultural awareness, and LBGTIQA+ awareness
Sensory Modulation:
Introduction to Sensory Assessment and Intervention
Mental Health Occupation-focused interventions and therapeutic strategies:
Activity scheduling, grading, and occupational adaptation
Therapeutic use of self & Therapeutic use of Occupation
Therapeutic use of Play
Re-motivation Process
Working with groups / Group Facilitation
Mental Health Structured therapeutic interventions:
Motivational interviewing
Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Introduction to Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Introduction to Narrative therapy
Mental Health Client-centred practice and continuous improvement:
Clinical supervision – Supervisee program
Feedback-informed practice
Mental Health Working with others - health professionals, carers, and Families:
Care coordination/case management
Working with others - within a multidisciplinary team, within a school environment, with care coordinators, recovery coaches, AHAs and other intermediary roles
Working with lived experience workforces
Working with families and carers
More information about each individual Mental Health Foundations Module including detailed content and learning objectives is available here.
Access to the Modules and all course materials is provided for 6 months from the date of purchase.
This session is suitable for:
Early Career OTs in mental health practice
Refresher for experienced OTs
OTs transitioning into mental health practice
Total CPD claimable hours: 28
This bundled option is a member only exclusive.
OTA Member: $1,500
OTA Student/New Graduate Member: $1,350
Members must be logged in with username and password to register at the member rate.
For organisations wishing to purchase 3 or more bundles of the Mental Health Foundations Modules, please contact info@otaus.com.au to discuss
The Mental Health Foundations Modules can be purchased separately, visit the OTA website to find out more.
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Please email info@otaus.com.au or phone 1300 682 878