Burnout & Compassion Fatigue

Burnout & Compassion Fatigue

Learn the nature of Burnout, how to identify it and how to stay resilient.

Program Overview



Burnout is a major risk for all allied health professionals, and therefore needs to be mitigated through a proactive commitment to personal energy management, a resilience mindset, and social support with advocacy. 

This 2.5 hour workshop will spell out the nature of burnout and how to identify it, with a focus on the major strategies for remaining resilient in the face of pressure to consistently produce quality work with tight schedules and resource limitations.  


Suitable for all career stages.


Participants will take away a range of practical strategies for taking back control of their energy and wellbeing. 

These include: 

  • Methods of identifying and measuring burnout 

  • Knowing your personal early warning signs 

  • Understanding how your ‘energy state’ impacts your functioning 

  • Recognising some of the key barriers to undertaking self-care activities 

  • The importance and practice of ‘job crafting’ 

  • Values - how to identify your most important values and how to use them 

  • The key mental strategies to promote resilience

  • Why resilience is a ‘team sport’ and what to do about it 


Toni Knight

Toni is a psychotherapist, author and presenter who specialises in anxiety, burnout (and CF) and trauma. She has a four-year degree in psychology, a lively private practice in Newcastle, NSW and 20 years of experience helping people to live values-centred lives. She regularly consults with private practices of professional caregivers and collaborates with OT Australia on professional resilience. 

She believes that professional caregiving is of utmost importance to our community and our nation. She feels that it is therefore imperative that we value the health and wellbeing of the people that perform this vital work. 


Participants will have access available for 12 weeks from date of purchase. 


This is a recorded webinar session that was held on 22 November 2023



OTA Member: $90 
OTA Student/ New Graduate Member: $80 
Non Member: $117

(All pricing is inclusive of GST)

Members must be logged in with username and password in order to register at the member rate.

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Total CPD claimable workshop hours: 2.5


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All information is correct at the time of publication. OTA reserves the right to alter or delete items from the CPD calendar as required, and takes no responsibility for any errors, omissions and changes.

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