Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Competence Course (AAT615)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Competence Course (AAT615)

The Centre for Cultural Competence Australia (CCCA)

Program Overview


The following course has been designed to provide a foundation level knowledge in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, cultures and societies. It is the first step in a pathway to cultural competence and has been designed as a pre-cursor to more in depth or localised face-to-face training.

On completion of the course participants will receive a Certificate of Completion from the Centre for Cultural Competence Australia. They will also receive a RESOURCE PACK for their ongoing learning and reference which includes course results, any course notes made during the course, and their personalised action plan, together with a number of fact sheets and additional resources.

The competence based assessments guarantee learning outcomes and provides transparency in terms of your cultural capability that enables you to build and apply knowledge in a practical and structured way.

The 10 components:

  • Introduction and self- reflection
  • Why cultural competence
  • Australia’s First Peoples
  • Worldviews, kinship and culture
  • Initial contact : dispossession and extermination
  • Early colonisation through to the second world war: protection, segregation and assimilation
  • Aboriginal agency: protest and resistance
  • Recent times: 1973 to 2008
  • Recent times 2008 to present day
  • Torres Strait Islander Peoples
  • Cultural competence in practice


This course has been developed for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and for people living and working anywhere within Australia. Whether you are delivering services specifically to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, or someone working with the general public or you just want to know more about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people you live with, this course is for you.

It has been developed as a first step in a training pathway and as a pre-cursor to face-to-face, local and role specific cultural training. The course is designed to develop capabilities and build cultural competence whatever your level of knowledge in Aboriginal cultural education.


To develop greater understanding of the historical, political and policy influences in current day policies and programs.

Build on your existing knowledge of cultural awareness and responsive training.

Reflect on and explore your pivotal role in building and promoting cultural awareness and responsiveness  


  • Cultural safety training is recognised by AHPRA as a core requirement for registered practitioners and a core component of the Occupational Therapy Competency Standards:
  • Understands and responds to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health philosophies, leadership, research and practices
  • Maintains current knowledge for cultural responsiveness to all groups in the practice setting
  • Maintains and improves currency of knowledge, skills and new evidence for practice by adhering to the requirements for continuing professional development
  • Identifies and applies best available evidence in professional practice and decision making


This course is delivered online and provides a flexible learning platform. It typically takes between 9-10 hours to complete, available 24/7 it allows you to complete the course in your own time at a time and pace convenient to you.


Please note the webinar platform which will be used is in managed independently of Occupational Therapy Australia. By signing up to the course you are agreeing for Occupational Therapy Australia to enroll you to the external online course platform and for the platform CCCA.com.au to have access to your name and email address. Upon registering and paying for the CPD you will be sent an email from The Centre for The Centre for Cultural Competence Australia (CCCA) with your access details. You will have access to the course for 6 months. 


Total CPD claimable workshop hours:10



OTA Member: $170

OTA Student/New Graduate Member: $155

Non-member: $187

(All pricing is inclusive of GST)

Members must be logged in with username and password in order to register at the member rate.


All information is correct at the time of publication. OTA reserves the right to alter or delete items from the CPD calendar as required, and takes no responsibility for any errors, omissions and changes.

All workshop resources including copies of the presentation, along with all supporting documents and links are not for distribution and are the property of the presenter.


T&C's are available here


Please direct all enquiries to info@otaus.com.au or phone 1300 682 878

Presented By:


Centre for Cultural Competence Australia

The Centre for Cultural Competence Australia (CCCA) is a majority Indigenous owned organisation dedicated to the training and development of individuals and organisations in the field of ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Competence’. The CCCA curriculum was developed over a period of two years in conjunction with an Indigenous Advisory Panel, the Indigenous Directorate at TAFE, the Indigenous Directorate at the Department of Education and Training and are updated annually.

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