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Are you coming to an Interest Group in March?

Published: Monday 17 March 2025

Did you know that OTA hosts specialised interest groups each month as one of your benefits of being a member?

Interest groups bring together OTs interested in a particular area of practice to discuss different topics that are relevant to that area. The meetings offer peer and expert support, networking and learning opportunities.

In March we have a wide range of interest groups and topics for you to choose from. We’d love to see you there!

Wednesday 19 March: Pain Management

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Thursday 20 March: Women’s Health

Perimenopause, menopause and the occupational impacts OT can support

Monday 24 March: Trauma Informed Care

How do I use Evidence-Based Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY), Movement & Breathing Practices in OT Sessions with Adults?

Monday 24 March:Yoga, Mindfulness & Body-Based Practices

Thriving Sustainably: Self-care, self-leadership, and wellbeing boundaries

Tuesday 25 March: Men in OT

Developing supervision for male OT students

Wednesday 26 March: Working with Older People (Aged Care)

Exploring the use of technology to assist older adults to remain within the home

Wednesday 26 March: Mental Health

Measuring occupation with a recovery lens: Recovery Assessment Scale – Domain and Stages (RAS-DS)

Thursday 27 March: Medicolegal

Medicolegal Case Study: Determining care requirements for a complex spinal client

Friday 31 March: Occupational Rehab & Work

Identification, assessment, and control of psychosocial hazards in the workplace

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