Published: Tuesday 11 March 2025
Study's full title: Assessments, tools and interventions that Australian occupational therapists use to address the occupational performance of people with borderline personality disorder (BPD)
University Affiliation: University of South Australia
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: University of South Australia's Human Research Ethics Committee (206655).
Principal Researcher: Ms Jade Wood (Honours student)
Supervisors: Dr Carolyn Murray, Dr Ben Sellar and Mr Dillon Tepper
Purpose of study: To explore what assessments, tools and interventions occupational therapists in Australia are currently utilising to improve the occupational performance of people with BPD and the perceived limitations in current practice.
Participation Criteria:
- A registered practising or non-practising qualified occupational therapist with AHPRA.
- Have had experience working with people with BPD as an occupational therapist in Australia.
- Can recall examples of practice with people with BPD within the last five years.
Survey Link: https://qualtricsxmdhg6vty95.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7U7iamx5e03P53g
Contact Details: Dr Carolyn Murray (Primary Supervisor) carolyn.murray@unisa.edu.au
End date for survey: July 2025
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