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Policy and Advocacy Veterans Update November 7

Health Providers Partnership Forum 

On 6 November OTA travelled to Canberra to attend the Health Providers' Partnership Forum (HPPF). Chaired by the Department of Veteran Affairs, the HPPF meets regularly to discuss health matters relating to veterans and is attended by peak bodies from the health sector. Of note was an update from Anita Hobson-Powell, Federal Chief Allied Health Officer about the progress of the allied health workforce strategy. OTA is expecting the strategy to be released mid-December with consultation open until the end of January. OTA also heard a presentation on the Royal Commission Report into Defence and Veteran’s suicide and its key findings. DVA confirmed government is intending to release its response to the Royal Commission’s report by the end of the year. DVA also confirmed that any increases to allied health fees recommended by the Royal Commission will be considered through budget process in context of government fiscal priorities. OTA will continue to strongly advocate for government to accept the Royal Commission’s recommendation to increase fees and is meeting with the team preparing a response to this recommendation in mid-November. 

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