Research Surveys
Can your perspective help to inform the future of OT research? OTA’s Research Survey page presents a number surveys seeking responses from researchers and other institutions across Australia.
There are two sections to this page. Research surveys promotes evidence based practice and are ethics approved. Other surveys cover institutions such as government bodies or businesses looking to hear from OTs. Use the quick links below to see each list.
If you wish to have your survey included below, please contact OTA. As a member benefit, OTA Members can promote their survey for free.
Research Surveys
Rollator Design and Functionality: a Health Professional Perspective
Study’s full title: Rollator Design and Functionality: a Health Professional Perspective
University Affiliation: Swinburne University of Technology
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: (SUHREC, Project 20247373-19372); Research Ethics Officer, Swinburne Research (H68), Phone: +61 (03) 9214 3845 or Email:
Principal Researcher: Professor Amanda Benson
Supervisor(s): Professor Blair Kuy, Senior Research Fellow Nishar Hameed
Purpose of study: This study is part of a broader research initiative aimed at understanding the perspectives and real-world experiences of health professionals who work closely with rollator users, as well as the end users themselves. The health professionals' study component specifically focuses on gathering insights from occupational therapists regarding the design, functionality, and practical implementation of rollators (four-wheeled walkers). By identifying gaps not fully addressed in current design frameworks, the study aims to inform future improvements, ultimately supporting the development of rollators that align more closely with professional insights to better meet the needs and preferences of older adults.
Participation Criteria: Have at least one year of experience working with older adults (over 65) who use rollators. Have a direct role in assessing, prescribing, or guiding the use of rollators for older adults. Do not have a conflict of interest, such as financial ties to rollator manufacturing companies. Have no significant visual impairment (needed for the visual preferences questions).
Information Statement Link:
Screening Questionnaire (Qualtrics) Link:
Contact Details: Jim Shen (PhD Student Researcher) Email: Phone: 0403 360 811
End date for survey: 30 April 2025
Investigating recruitment and retention of the allied health workforce in rural and remote Australia
University Affiliation: Monash University
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: 43507
Principal Researcher: Emma Brown (PhD student)
Supervisor(s): Dr Luke Robinson & Professor Ted Brown
Emma Brown
Dr Luke Robinson (OTA member)
Professor Ted Brown (OTA member)Purpose of study: The aim of the research is to explore the motivations, perceptions and experiences of occupational therapy students, clinicians and managers about the factors which may influence successful recruitment and retention of occupational therapists in rural or remote Australia.
Participation Criteria: Occupational therapists currently working in a rural or remote area of Australia (including being based in a rural or remote area, or travelling to a rural or remote area to provide services).
Survey Link:
End date for survey: 28th February
Contact Details:
Exploring culturally safe and responsive occupational therapy (OT) practice when providing services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia
University Affiliation: James Cook University
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: H8795
Principal Researcher: Elizabeth Meechan
Supervisor(s): Professor Lynore Geia, Associate Professor Sue Devine, Associate Professor Ruth Barker
Purpose of study: Australia-wide survey on OT’s perception of their capability to practice in a culturally responsive way with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
Participation Criteria: Any and all qualified occupational therapists who have practiced in Australia. All experience levels welcomed.
Survey Link:
Contact Details:
End date for survey: Early 2025
WFOT International Research Engagement of Occupational Therapists
University Affiliation: University of Sydney
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: 2024/HE001436
Principal Researcher:  Prof Lynette Mackenzie
Supervisor(s):  Prof Lynette Mackenzie
Prof Lynette Mackenzie
Dr Agostina Ciampa
Ms Amber Chang
Dr Annika Lexen
Ms Elisabete Roldao
Dr Hadeel Bakhsh
Ms Ina Roosen
Ms Marinela Rata
Associate Professor Medhi Rassafiani
Ms Epiphanie Murebwayire
Mr Patrick Hynes
Dr Peter Ndaa
Associate Professor Virginia Stoffel
Mr Turikumana Pierre Damien
Dr Vera KaelinPurpose of study: To determine the level of research engagement across occupational therapists who are members of their local OT associations internationally that are associated with WFOT.
Participation Criteria: All occupational therapists regardless of whether they are undertaking research or not.
Survey Link:
End date for survey: Not yet determined
Contact Details:
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Non-pharmacological Prevention and Management of Patient Agitation in the Adult ICU
University Affiliation: Flinders University, College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Principal Researcher: Anne Mette Adams
Purpose of study: Invitation to review and comment on draft guidelines!
We are seeking your feedback on new Guidelines for the Non-pharmacological Prevention and Management of Patient Agitation in the Adult ICU.
As a valued stakeholder in the critical care field, your feedback is essential to ensure that the guidelines are practical and responsive to the needs of clinicians.
Please review the new guidelines [HERE] and the supplementary material [HERE].
Survey Link:
End date for survey: 3rd of February 2025
How OTs access evidence to inform decision-making at the point of care
JBI, a leading international research institute based at The University of Adelaide, is conducting a global study to understand how health professionals and carers access evidence to inform decision-making at the point of care.
Why is this important?
Your insights will help identify the barriers and facilitators to integrating evidence into daily practice, guiding solutions to enhance healthcare delivery worldwide. Historically, occupational therapists have been underrepresented in similar studies—this is your chance to ensure the OT profession’s perspective is heard!Who can participate?
Doctors, nurses, allied health professionals (including OTs), and carers across primary care, acute care, and residential aged care settings.How to get involved?
Take a few minutes to complete the survey here.Let’s make sure occupational therapy is at the forefront of evidence-based practice. For more information, contact Lisa Hunt at or call 0481 902 566.
Understanding and addressing suicidality and self-harm after acquired brain injury
University Affiliation: Monash University
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: Monash University HREC Project ID 42790
Principal Researcher: Dr Jai Carmichael
Supervisor(s): N/A this is not a student project
Purpose of study: People with moderate to severe acquired brain injuries (ABI) face a greater risk of suicide than the general population, and self-harm behaviours are common. We want to learn how to better support people with ABI with these experiences, to work toward developing clear strategies and resources for people with ABI, their family members, and clinicians. Individuals with ABI face unique experiences and challenges, including changes to self-identity, reduced financial, social, and cognitive resources, and diverse cognitive-communication abilities. Tailored resources are therefore necessary. This project aims to understand the experiences, needs, and preferences of individuals with ABI, clinicians, and researchers in addressing self-injurious thoughts and behaviours after injury.
Participation Criteria: English-speaking, 18+ years of age, a clinician and/or researcher working with people with ABI. There is no requirement to have any expertise in addressing self-harm and/or suicide; we wish to capture feedback from participants with all levels of expertise.
Link to Participant Form / Participant Information Statement: Research Survey - Jai Carmichael - Participant Information Statement.pdf
Link to Survey:
Contact Details: or (associate investigators)
End date for survey: 30/12/2025
Exploring perceptions of the allied health role in palliative and end of life care
University Affiliation: Flinders University
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: 7464
Principle Researcher: Ms Zhi Wen Ewee Yeo (BND Honours student)
Supervisor(s): Dr Olivia Farrer, Professor Stacey George and Professor Jennifer Tieman (*Professor Stacey George is an OTA member)
Purpose of study: This study aims to explore how allied health professionals work with older adults receiving palliative care and at end of life, in Australia; what unique input the various disciplines can offer, and what learning or professional development informs clinical practice.
Participation Criteria: We would like to invite allied health clinicians or allied health tertiary educators from these 4 professions - Dietitians, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech Pathologists - to participate in the study. We are seeking individuals with experience in teaching allied health clinicians or working in aged care settings (Residential Aged Care Facility or Community setting), who have encountered older adults receiving palliative or end of life care.
Survey Link: *links to contact details form if willing to participate in an interview
Contact Details Principal supervisor: Dr Olivia Farrer –
End date for survey: *recruitment for interviews will end 31st October or prior if we have achieved maximum expected number.
Exploring the lived experiences, preparation, and support needs of occupational therapy students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in high-fidelity simulation-based learning
University Affiliation: The University of Queensland
Principle Researcher: Luocheng Zhang (PhD Candidate)
Supervisor(s): Dr Roma Forbes, Dr Adriana Penman, Dr Freyr Patterson
Purpose of study: This research is about understanding the lived experiences and support needs of occupational therapy students from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds participating in high-fidelity simulation-based learning activities. High-fidelity simulation is a teaching method that uses simulated patients to help students practice their skills in a safe environment before working with real patients. The insights gained from this research will help improve educational practices and create better support systems for students from diverse backgrounds in simulation.
What is involved: The research team will contact eligible participants to take part in a one-time interview lasting approximately 45-60 minutes. Participants who complete the interview will receive an AUD 50 voucher as compensation for their time.
Participation Criteria: For Occupational Therapy student participants, students need to be from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background and currently enrolled in an entry-level occupational therapy program in Australia. They must have completed simulation with simulated patients within the last six months.
For Occupational Therapy educator participants, educators must have had experience facilitating OT students from CALD backgrounds in high-fidelity simulation-based learning activities.Summary of the survey: This Qualtrics survey is for recruitment purposes. It includes questions to assess whether participants meet the inclusion criteria and allows them to express interest in participating in an interview. Participants can provide their email address for further contact regarding the interview.
Survey Link: Please follow the link below to access the recruitment form and register your interest in participating in an interview. Details Principal supervisor: Luocheng Zhang
End date for survey: *recruitment for interviews will end 30th November or when we have achieved expected number. -
Multidisciplinary care in primary care settings to promote Healthy Ageing in the Australian population
University Affiliation: Flinders University
Ethics approval: Flinders University Human Ethics Research Committee (Low Risk Panel)
Reference number: 7286
Principal Researcher: Dr Heather Block
Supervisor: Professor Stacey George
Investigator Team:
Dr Heather Block
Professor Stacey George
Dr Ali Dymmott
Dr Olivia Farrer
Dr Oluwatomilayo Omoya
Casey FranchiPurpose of study: To explore the current role, profile, gaps and opportunities for multidisciplinary care delivered within primary care settings to promote healthy ageing for adults aged 40 years and above in Australia.
Participation Criteria:
• A nursing or allied health professional
• Working in primary care in Australia. Primary care includes community health service (allied health, nursing, medical), general practices, community pharmacies, community mental health services, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services
• Work with clients who are adults aged 40 years and above to support healthy ageing, ageing in the community and home, and/or palliative or end of life care.Survey Link:
Contact details: Dr Heather Block
End date for survey: December 2024
Functional cognition screening to detect subtle difficulties in everyday activities in older adults: which tool is fit for purpose?
University Affiliation: The University of Sydney, Discipline of Occupational Therapy, Sydney School of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine and Health
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: 2024/HE000329 (The University of Sydney HREC)
Principle Researcher: Dr Jacqueline Wesson
Supervisor(s): N/A
Purpose of study: We are looking for older people to join our study. They may have healthy cognition (no cognitive impairment), mild cognitive impairment, or mild dementia and they will help us test whether a menu task or lacing task screening tool can identify subtle or early changes in functional cognition (using thinking and memory to do everyday activities). Results from this study may lead to better detection of early change and identify people at risk of dementia.
Our ‘functional cognition’ study is a sub-study of the C-STAM study (details in flyer) with data shared between the two to fully examine the short screening tests by comparing them to a full OT standardised assessment (completed in C-STAM). This study is funded by the Dementia Australia Research Foundation 2023 Dementia Grants Program (Dr Stuart and Bonnie Bartle Project Grant).
What’s involved? [1] Participant signs up to the C-STAM study (details in flyer). [2] On completion, the C-STAM team will refer the participant back to our study. [3] Our study will ask the participant to complete two brief screening tests (no prior experience required) – the Menu Task (5-10 min) and the Large Allen Cognitive Level Screen (LACLS-5) (10-20 min), and then do a short survey (10 min) at the end, asking about the participant’s experience with these two tests. [4] This can be done in a 1-hour sitting in the participant’s own home or at the University of Sydney office – as per their preference. [5] A $30 Coles/Woolworths group gift voucher will be given to thank the participant for their time.
Participation Criteria: participants must be: [1] aged 60 or above, [2] fluent in English and able to provide informed consent, and [3] based in Sydney. We are particularly interested in recruiting people with a known or suspected diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment or dementia, however people with healthy cognition are also welcome to participate.
Survey Link: Flyer and expression of interest page:
Contact Details: Email the Team at Functional cognition screening study or call study coordinator Amy Tan on 02 9351 9815
End date for survey: December 2025 (rolling recruitment until target numbers are met).
Evaluation of the Allied Health Rural Generalist Training and Education Scheme
University Affiliation: Flinders University
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: Flinders University Human Research Ethics Committee project 6529 approved 19/1/24
Principal Researcher: Dr Alison Dymmott (OTA member)
Research team:
Associate Professor Rachel Milte
Professor Stacey George (OTA member)
Professor Chris Brebner
Associate Professor Narelle Campbell
Professor Paul Worley
Cath Maloney
Gemma TuxworthPurpose of study: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of allied health rural generalist pathway across Australian rural and remote services. As part of this study we are undertaking a survey to explore perceptions and preferences of allied health professionals in regards to the allied health rural generalist pathway more broadly. We are interested in what attributes or features of generalist training are important to allied health professionals, managers and supervisors.
Participation Criteria: Any allied health professionals, managers or supervisors of allied health professionals are encouraged to participate
Survey Link:
Contact Details: Dr Ali Dymmott and Associate Professor Rachel Milte
End date for survey: 15/9/2024
The role of occupational therapists in acute mental health inpatient units
University: Deakin University
Ethics Reference Number: HEAG-H 73_2024
Principle Researcher: Rachel Knight (Student Researcher: Leanne Van Diemen)
Supervisors: Rachel Knight and Professor Genevieve Pepin
Purpose of Study: The results of this study will provide a snapshot into the current role of OT's in this setting and highlight the importance of the OT role as part of an interdisciplinary team in acute mental health inpatient units.
Participation Criteria: AHPRA registered OT's who currently work (or have in the last 12 months) in an acute mental health inpatient setting in Australia (public OR private)
Survey Link:
Contact Details: Rachel Knight; email: Ph: 5247 9514
End date for survey: COB Friday 16 August 2024
Therapist practice with survivors of stroke using serial casting post Botulinum Toxin A injections for upper limb spasticity
University Affiliation: Deakin University
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: HEAG-H 69_2024
Principle Researcher: Tamara Wanklyn
Supervisor(s): Tamara Wanklyn, Tim O'Connor
Purpose of study: We aim to investigate why and how therapists use serial casting post-Botulinum Toxin A injections for upper limb spasticity after stroke. We are interested to know what is informing therapists' practice using serial casting.
Participation Criteria: Must be an AHPRA registered and practising occupational therapist or physiotherapist working with survivors of stroke in Australia. Must be practising upper limb therapy involving serial casting after Botulinum Toxin A injections for spasticity. Must have been a practising therapist with more than 12 months' experience with survivors of stroke.
Survey Link:
Contact Details:
End date for survey: 31/08/2024 -
Australian occupational therapists’ knowledge, experiences and practices regarding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
University Affiliation - University of the Sunshine Coast
Ethics Approval/Reference Number - S241932
Principle Researcher - Dr Laine Chilman
Supervisor(s) - Asmita Muholkar, Catherine Hilly
Purpose of study:
This study aims answer the research question;
“To understand the FASD knowledge, practices and awareness among occupational therapists employed in Australia and identify gaps in their knowledge and training required to support child, adolescent or adult and families impacted by FASD".The specific research aims are to:
1. Understand the level of knowledge, awareness and practice occupational therapist have of FASD.
2. Gain a better understanding of the occupational therapy current practice context for supporting people with FASD.
3. Identify resources or training that would better enable occupational therapists to practice with people with FASD and their families.
4. Developing an understanding of how Australian occupational therapists assess, intervene and support people with FASD, including their families.Participation Criteria:
Part A will survey Australian occupational therapists
Part B will be conducted at a later time point. Semi-structured interviews with Australian occupational therapists using a semi-structured interview guide.Survey Link -
Contact Details - Dr Laine Chilman,
End date for survey - 31 May 2024
Is gaming meaningful? Exploring the perspectives of those providing or receiving upper limb rehabilitation interventions
University Affiliation: University of Melbourne
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: HREC/23/WH/94233 or
ERM reference no: HREC/94233/WH-2024-414054(v2)
Principle Researcher: Marlies Wanasili
1) Professor Catherine Said
2) Dr Marlena Klaic
3) Associate Professor Danielle Hitch
4) Dr Vincent CrocherPurpose of study: This study aims to better understand the meaning of using gaming/robotic technology from the perspective of clients and clinicians. A secondary aim is to explore what clients and clinicians perceive to be the barriers and facilitators of using these devices in upper limb rehabilitation.
Participation Criteria: Clinicians who have experience in using gaming/robotic devices with clients with upper limb impairment. For the purposes of this study, examples of gaming devices include: Nintendo Wii, Sony Playstation, AbleX, Rejoyce workstation, Amadeo robotic, Armeo Spring/Power, H Man, BIMEO Pro, InMotion, etc.
Survey link:
Contact Details: or 0481 478 257
End date for survey: 30th September
Australian occupational therapists’ knowledge, experiences and practices regarding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
University Affiliation: University of the Sunshine Coast Australia
Ethics Approval/ Reference Number: S241932
Chief Investigator: Dr Laine Chilman
Partner Investigator: Catherine Hilly
Partner Investigator: Asmita Mudholkar
Student Investigator: Alison Green (occupational therapy honours student)
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this research project is to investigate Australian occupational therapists' knowledge, experiences and practices regarding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). If you are an occupational therapist employed in Australia, you are invited to participate in this research project.
Participation Criteria: If you agree to participate in this research project, you will be asked to complete an anonymous online survey. The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes. The survey will ask questions such as:
What is your current workplace context? Please choose from the following:
- State health organisation
- Independent/private practice
- Non for-profit organisation
- Education
- OtherYour participation is voluntary. If you decide to participate but change your mind during the survey, you may exit the survey, and only your responses completed to that point will be saved. Please note that once the survey is started the research team will be unable to remove your responses as they are non-identifiable.
Consent: Consent to participate will be confirmed before progressing to the survey. Consent is for your data and information to be collected, stored, and used in analysis and publications in a non-identifiable format. Consent is sought for this research project only.
Risks and Benefits: It is not anticipated that this research project will directly benefit you, but we appreciate your input as a contribution to the discipline.
Privacy, Confidentiality and Results: Any data collected as a part of this research project will be stored securely as per UniSC’s Research Data Management Procedures. All comments and responses will be treated confidentially unless required by law. The results of this research project may be presented at external or internal conferences or meetings, or by publication. If you would like a summary of the findings of this research project, please contact the Chief Investigator (listed above).
Timeframe: 15-20 minutes online survey
Link to survey:
Concerns or Complaints: If you have any concerns or complaints about the way this research project is being conducted, you may raise them with the Chief Investigator (listed above). If you prefer an independent person, you may contact the Chair of the UniSC Human Research Ethics Committee: telephone (07) 5430 2823; email
Contact Details:
Dr Laine Chilman
Phone: (07) 54563436Catherine Hilly
Email: Mudholkar
Email: the information in PDF format here and the participant flyer here.
Understanding puberty, disability, and occupational therapy
University Affiliation: The University of Adelaide, Australia
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: H-2024-021
Student Researcher: Breanna Papagni, University of Adelaide 4th year student – Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)
Supervisor(s): Associate Professor Emma George, co-supervisor Sarah Hausler
Purpose of study: The aim of this study is to explore the perceptions occupational therapists have on providing puberty related support to children with autism, neurodivergence or disabilities. In this emerging area of research, there is scarce literature on how occupational therapists navigate puberty related challenges and changes within this population, and whether occupational therapists feel comfortable addressing these challenges and changes. It is hoped that this information can help with the development and delivery of puberty programs that support people through this inevitable and often challenges milestone in their development.
Participation Criteria:
· Consent to participate in the study
· AHPRA registered Occupational Therapist
· Fluent in English language
· Exclusion criteria: being a current or past staff member of Bloom Wellbeing, Adelaide.
Contact Details:
End date for expressions of interest: June 14, 2024 -
Survey of the Provision of Cognitive Interventions in Return to Work Rehabilitation for Stroke Survivors Among Occupational Therapists
University Affiliation: Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Ethics Approval/Reference Number MRECID.NO: 2023125-12030
(Medical Research Ethics Committee, University Malaya Medical Center,Malaysia)
Principle Researcher: Ms Rejina Maniam
1. Prof Dr Mazlina Mazlan (Universiti Malaya)
2. Associate Prof Dr Julia Patrick Engkasan (Universiti Malaya)
3. Prof Dr Natasha Lannin (Monash University, Australia)Purpose of study: The purpose of this research study is to explore current Occupational Therapists practice patterns, opinions, and perceptions associated with provision of cognitive interventions in return-to-work rehabilitation for stroke survivors between the ages of 18¬60 years. Data from this survey will be used for content development of a targeted cognitive training program to facilitate early return to work among stroke survivors, which ultimately will enhance occupational therapy services that promote return to work outcomes for this population.
Participation Criteria:
Practicing Occupational Therapist:
• with at least three (3) years of experience in treating stroke patients.
• Providing / has provided return to work rehabilitation to individuals following stroke.
• with a good understanding and command of the English language.
Survey Link:
Contact Details: Ms Rejina Maniam
End date for survey: 30th April 2024 -
Changing the focus: Facilitating engagement in physical activity for people with dementia in a local community - A feasibility study
University Affiliation: Monash University
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: Monash University HREC project ID:39672
Principle Researcher: Professor Keith Hill
Supervisor(s): N/A
Purpose of study:
To pilot and evaluate a new model of community care to facilitate physical activity engagement for people with mild dementia or cognitive impairment.Background: This research addresses a major unmet need for an early, systematic approach to identify physical activity needs for people with mild dementia, and embed referral pathways/training opportunities for exercise leaders to support improved physical activity options. Without this preventive approach, the high and growing impact of reduced mobility, increased dependence and rates of cognitive decline and falls associated with dementia will continue to escalate. Effective management is required to improve outcomes for the person with dementia and their care partner before later stages of dementia, when problems become greater and less amenable to intervention. ·
What the program is about:
The Changing the Focus program is a FREE 12-month physiotherapist-supported program to assist people with mild dementia or cognitive impairment to take part in community-based exercise or physical activity programs. This program aims to assist the person 1) achieve their physical activity goals, and 2) reach and maintain the physical activity guidelines for older people (150 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity per week).Participation involves taking part in:
• Physical activity program(s) in the local community or at home (or both) for 12 months
• 4 home visits for assessments by the research physiotherapist and a discussion at the beginning of the study to decide on a physical activity program to take part in for the 12 months’ time
• Telephone support calls in which the research therapist will provide support for your ongoing participation
• An interview to help us evaluate the program (optional)Participation Criteria:
Participation criteria for people with mild dementia or cognitive impairment includes:
• adults (age ≥60 years)
• living in the community of Frankston / Mornington Peninsula region
• medical diagnosis of dementia with Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score not less than 18; or those without a dementia diagnosis with MMSE of a score of 18-23 inclusive (the research therapist can conduct the MMSE screening for the potential participants)
• are non-housebound due to physical impairments (e.g. severe stroke)
• are currently not meeting the World Health Organisation physical activity guidelines for older people (<150 minutes moderate/vigorous physical activity/week)
• have capacity to consent if an informal care partner /responsible person is not available
• are willing to assist in data collection and participate in a semi-structured interview to obtain their perspectives of the program.
N.B. Presence of an informal carer is preferred but not essential.Survey Link: N/A
Contact Details:
Dr Angel Lee (Monash University) on (03) 9904 4662 email: OR
Ms Lisa Licciardi (Monash University) on (03) 9904 4350 email: lisa.licciardi@monash.eduEnd date for survey:
Our study is recruiting people with mild dementia or cognitive impairment now till March 2025. We are looking for 60 people to participate in the program. Recruitment period ends March 2025. -
Development of a multi-sensory intervention for acute-care dementia settings: Reducing behavioural and psychological symptoms and delirium and improving occupational engagement
University Affiliation: Western Sydney University, School of Health Sciences
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: H15934
Principle Researcher: Dr Caroline Mills
Supervisor(s): Dr Caroline Mills and Ms Nikki Tulliani
Purpose of study: The long-term aim is to develop a co-designed multi-sensory intervention program for acute care settings to reduce BPSD and delirium, improve well-being and quality of life, and increase activity engagement for people with dementia in acute care. However, before an intervention program can be developed, current practice and experiences of health professionals must be explored. Therefore, this study aims to explore what multi-sensory interventions are being used in acute care dementia settings across Australia (National Survey) , and explore the experiences of acute-care health professionals, including any enablers and barriers, in using multi-sensory interventions with older adults with dementia.
Participation Criteria: Australian-based practicing health practitioners who work with older adults with dementia (neurocognitive disorder) in healthcare, community or residential aged care settings, and are registered or self-regulated.
Survey Link:
Contact Details: Dr Caroline Mills for more information.
End date for survey: End of June (30th) -
Burnout in graduate occupational therapists in Australia: Implications for practice and education
University Affiliation: La Trobe University
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: HEC23381
Principal Researcher: Vanessa Commons
Supervisor(s): Dr Shinead Borkovic and Prof Carol McKinstry
Purpose of study: To understand the risk or experience of burnout in graduate occupational therapists practicing in Australia.
Participation Criteria: registered Australian occupational therapists who have been working 6-24 months after finishing their occupational therapy course.
Survey Link:
Contact details:
Shinead Borkovic – date for survey: 31/5/2024
Perspectives of Occupational Therapists on Addressing Health Equity Challenges in Regional, Rural, and Remote Australia
University Affiliation: Charles Sturt University. Charles Sturt University is an Australian University, TEQSA Provider Identification: PRV12018. Charles Sturt University CRICOS Provider: 00005F
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: H24954
Principle Researcher: Stephanie Harman (Honors Student)
Supervisor(s): Karen Hayes, Ian Skinner, Vagner Dos Santos
Purpose of study: To explore occupational therapists’ experience and understanding of health equity challenges in regional, rural, and remote Australia. It is hoped through this research, we can inform decision makers about changes could be made to policy and curriculum to promote equitable practice.
Participation Criteria: Registered occupational therapists working with clients in regional, rural, and remote Australia or have worked in these areas in the past 12 months.
Survey Link:
Contact Details: Karen Hayes, School of Allied Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences, Charles Sturt University,
End date for survey: 19th April 2024
How are Australian Occupational Therapists providing neurorehabilitation to neonates with perinatal stroke and what influences their practice? A 2 phased mixed methodological exploratory survey
University Affiliation: Flinders University, Australia
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: HEL5732-3
Principle Researcher: Molly Lorimer
Supervisor(s): Maayken van den Berg
Purpose of study: To evaluate and improve early intervention and care for neonates in Australia
Participation Criteria: Consent to participate in the study, Must be AHPRA registered Occupational Therapist, Must be practicing or has practiced (within the past 5 years) in Australia within the health system (a public or private hospital).
Survey Link:
Contact Details:
End date for survey: April 30, 2024
Experiences of occupational therapists working in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
University affiliation: Griffith University
Ethics Approval/ Reference number: 2023/979
Student researcher: Nova Lee
Supervisors: Matthew Molineux & Lachlan PascoePurpose of the study:
The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences occupational therapists face when delivering services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Furthermore, it aims to understand how the NDIS affects occupational therapists' work with their clients.This understanding is important as the NDIS has been running for over ten years, and little research has been conducted from the perspectives of health professionals. Specifically, only the survey by Occupational Therapy Australia (OTA) and a journal article on rural and regional experiences of occupational therapists with the NDIS have been conducted. While this research provides an initial overview of the experiences and some challenges, further research needs to be conducted to gain a deeper understanding. Furthermore, previous research has identified the impacts of funding models, such as the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI), on occupational therapy practice. Therefore, it is important to address this gap in research and gain an understanding of occupational therapists' experiences with the NDIS.
Participation Criteria:
The eligibility criteria to participate in this study are as follows:
1. Registered as an occupational therapist with the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia while working in the NDIS.
2. Employed as an occupational therapist, providing services under the NDIS for at least six months.
3. Prior experience providing occupational therapy services in the NDIS, with the most recent experience within the last two years.
Eligible participants will be asked to participate in an approximately 60-minute interview. This interview will occur in-person or online through Teams, depending on geographical location and preference.
Survey link:
Contact details:
Miss Nova Lee
Griffith University
End date for the survey: 1st May, 2024 -
Supporting voice-hearers - Testing a new resource
Do you work with people who hear voices? We invite you to be part of a research study to help us evaluate a set of online resources to help mental health workers to support voice-hearers using an evidence-based voice hearing approach. The resources were co-designed by voice hearers and clinical experts.
Participation Criteria: You are eligible if you are a mental health worker (e.g., clinician, support worker peer worker, psychiatrist) who works with voice-hearers. Participating in the study involves less than 3 hours of your time spread over an 8 week period. It includes you going through the online resources (2 hours) and doing three questionnaires (5-20 minutes each). You will be randomised to receive the resources immediately (after doing the first questionnaire) or in 4 weeks’ time (after the doing the second questionnaire).
Survey Link: Read the Participant Information Statement and complete the survey at:
End Date: April 30 2024
Contact Details: For more information – Contact Dr Anne Honey at
This study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) of The University of Sydney [2023/819]
Vocational Rehabilitation Research Survey
University Affiliation: Monash University and the Monash Epworth Rehabilitation Research Centre
Principal Researcher: Ms. Yashashree Bedekar
Co-investigators: Dr. Pamela Ross, Prof. Jennie Ponsford, Dr. Marina Downing and Dr. Linda Barclay
Purpose of study:
The research involves mapping current vocational rehabilitation practice and evaluating the effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation training for allied health clinicians working in traumatic injury.We appreciate your participation in the survey (link below):
Survey Link: Read the Participant Information Statement and complete the survey at
Contact Details: Ms Yash Bedekar (
End date for the survey: 30 April 2024 (tbc)
Developing a computerised diagnostic tool to assess functional ability in older people with and without dementia (the C-STAM study)
University Affiliation - University of New South Wales, Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA), Discipline of Psychiatry & Mental Health, School of Clinical Medicine.
Principal Researcher – Associate Professor Simone Reppermund
Purpose of the Study – This project aims to validate a new computerised assessment tool created by our team – called the C-STAM – that will help us understand how well older adults can handle day-to-day activities like taking medicine, shopping, or finding their way around. The C-STAM is novel because it can be completed on the computer, meaning we can quickly and effectively check if older individuals are having difficulties with everyday tasks, which is something doctors currently have a hard time doing. We anticipate the C-STAM is not only going to save time but also improve how we spot and track the early signs of memory problems or dementia, helping us take better care of our ageing population. Once validated, the C-STAM assessment will be available for free to both researchers and healthcare workers.
Participation Criteria – Participants must be: [1] aged 60 or above, [2] fluent in English and able to complete questionnaires and provide informed consent, [3] based in Sydney, [4] have an informant (friend or family member) willing to answer questions about the participant. We are particularly interested in recruiting participants with a known or suspected diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment or dementia. Individuals do not need to be overly familiar or confident with computers to participate.
Participants will receive a $50 Coles voucher for their time and informants receive $25 Coles voucher for their time.
Survey / Study Link – Full study link or Link to the actual expression of interest page.
Contact Details – Email the Team at or coordinator Katya Numbers at
End date for Survey / Study – December 2025 (rolling recruitment until target numbers are met).
Ethics Approval / Reference Number - HC210967
An Exploratory Study: The Presence of Imposter Syndrome in New Graduate Allied Health Professionals and its Relationship to Location of Practice
University Affiliation: James Cook University
Ethics Approval/ Reference Number: H9338
Principal Researcher: Samantha Barber
Supervisor/s: Dr. Carol Flavell
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study is to report the presence of imposter syndrome (IS) in recently graduated AHPs, and to determine if there is an association between IS and AHPs geographic work location, through an online survey.
Target Audience: New graduate allied health professionals living and working in Australia.
Participation Criteria:
Be one of the following allied health professionals:
(Volunteers must meet all criteria)- Audiologists, Chiropractors, Dieticians, Exercise Physiologists, Occupational Therapists, Optometrists, Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Psychologists, Radiographers and Speech Pathologists.
- Have graduated between November 2021 and December 2023
- Currently practicing and living in Australia.
Confidentiality Arrangements: The online survey is entirely voluntary and anonymous.
Data will be stored on Qualtrics, it will be anonymous and stored by the primary researcher into SPSS, which will be stored on the Research Data JCU Platform in accordance with JCU Policy (15-years post completion of the study).Proposed Use of Data: Once the research has been completed, dissemination of results will be developed into a thesis and oral presentation as part of the subject RH5203/RH5204 which are a part of a Master of Rural Generalist Practice degree at JCU. This will be disseminated by the wider JCU community, with a primary focus on discourse through medical and rehabilitation science disciplines, inclusive of presentations and posters at conferences. Additionally, peer reviewed publication in a relevant journal is proposed, with additional presentation at conferences.
Timeframe: 30-minute online survey
Survey Link: Click here.
Contact Details:
Samantha Barber Carol Flavell the information in PDF format here and the participant flyer here.
Understanding the Design of Final Occupational Therapy Placement Learning Experiences in Rural and remote Settings: A Study on Clinical Educators/Supervisors Reasoning
Are you a clinical educator/supervisor in rural and remote (Modified Monash 3-7) areas of Australia? Do you have an upcoming occupational therapy student final year placement? We would love to hear from you!
As we all know, the healthcare system within Australia is constantly evolving and occupational therapy graduates are graduating into a more diverse range of settings. It is crucial that our graduates possess the necessary skills to succeed in the workforce, especially in rural and remote areas.
As a clinical educator/supervisor, you play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between your university’s curriculum and real-world experiences and can provide valuable insight into students’ attributes and skills. We are conducting a study to gain an understanding of how clinical educators/supervisors plan and design final occupational therapy placement learning experiences and the different reasoning behind their approaches.
If you choose to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete:- An initial interview (approximately 45 minutes) two weeks before the final placement of your student/s to discuss the study and any goals, or outcomes you have for your student and/or placement.
- Audio reflection diaries a week prior to student commencement, at the end of first week, after midway assessment and one week after completion of placement. You will have some questions to focus your audio reflections. The recording will take as little or as long as you determine.
- A semi structured interview approximately three weeks post placement where we will discuss the audio journals. It is anticipated that this will take approximately 1 hour.
Your participation will enable us to gain valuable insights into the reasoning employed by clinical educators/supervisors when designing final year occupational therapy placement learning experiences in rural and remote settings. Participating in this study will provide participants with structured opportunities for self-reflection. This self-reflection can potentially foster critical thinking and contribute to development of your supervision practice. This study does not assess supervision skills or the quality of placements.Please get in touch with us to learn more about this study and to register your interest.
Contact: Sarah Miles (email:
PhD Student and Clinical Educator- University Centre for Rural Health
This study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) of The University of Sydney [2023/292]. -
Residential Aged Care: Tell us your research priorities / Tell us what matters most in residential aged care
The National Centre for Healthy Ageing Residential Aged Care Research Network (RACReN), wants to hear what you think are the most important areas to research in residential aged care.
In late 2022, 81 people representing a range of stakeholders completed Round 1 of the survey (download results summary - PDF, 234 KB), ranking the importance of 93 different research topics for residential aged care. They agreed that 32 of these research topics were very or extremely important to research in residential aged care.
This survey asks you to vote on these 32 research topics to identify a short list of the 10 most critical items for residential aged care research.
This information will be shared with aged care researchers to make sure they are researching what matters most to everyone involved in residential aged care.
We want to hear from you if you:
- have a family member or friend that is living, or has lived, in a residential aged care home;
- live in a residential aged care home; OR
- work in or with a residential aged care home - this includes PCAs, nurses, cleaners, cooks, and visiting allied health and primary care clinicians
Participation involves completing 1-2 short surveys (10-20 minutes) over the next year.
Participants go into the draw to win one of 10 x $100 eGift Cards for Surveys 2 and 3.
Learn more and fill in the survey.
If you have any questions or need support to complete the survey, please contact or the RACReN team on (03) 9904 4822.
Dementia training
University Affiliation: Monash University
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: Monash University HREC project ID 38423
Principle Researcher: A/Professor Michele Callisaya
Supervisor(s): Dr Angel Lee, Ms Catherine Devanny
Purpose of study:
This education project aims to reduce stigma associated with dementia, increase knowledge in dementia and dementia rehabilitation, and to promote access to rehabilitation for people with dementia.Participation Criteria:
Allied health professionals, Aged Care and NDIS case managers/care coordinators working with community-dwelling older people or people with dementia
Work in Eastern or South Eastern areas of MelbourneStudy involvement:
- Participate in a dementia rehabilitation e-module (4 weeks) and community of practice (12 months)
- Complete three online surveys before, during and after the study.
- The total time for all activities will be approximately 15 hours in duration over 12 months (Late January 2024 to December 2024 / January 2025).
Contact Details: Dr Angel Lee (
Understanding resilience in emerging allied health professionals: What matters? Insights to inform future resilience curricula
Principal Investigator: Desley Simpson, CQUniversity.
Research Team: Dr Maria O’Reilly & Dr Lauren Miller-Lewis (CQUniversity).
“Understanding resilience in emerging allied health professionals: What matters? Insights to inform future resilience curricula”
Purpose of Study: The purpose of this research is to contribute to the current knowledge base on resilience of university students by specifically investigating resilience in allied health students. The role of spirituality, as well as other variables such as previous exposure to adversity, point of time in course and other selected demographic characteristics as predictors of resilience will be examined.
Please note that this research does not view spirituality as a religious concept; rather it is a multidimensional construct involving our connectedness with others, with nature, and how we make meaning out of our lives. It is anticipated that these findings will contribute to foundation knowledge to inform the future design of university-based resilience interventions for allied health professional students (Human Research Ethics Committee approval number 0000023803)
Participation Criteria: Participants must be continuing occupational therapy, physiotherapy or speech pathology students of a fully accredited course at an Australian university. Students may be in any year of their four-year undergraduate programme.
Description of Study Procedures: An anonymous online Qualtrics survey has been designed to support the investigation of resilience in allied health professional students and exploring the relationship with spirituality, as well as other variables such as previous exposure to adversity. The proposed study also aims to explore the student voice to better understand vulnerabilities and protective factors that may make a difference in adjustment to adversity during the academic journey. At the conclusion of the survey, participants will be invited to choose to participate in a semi-structured online interview.
More information for those who might like to participate: This link takes students who might wish to participate in this study to the anonymous online survey:
A research project website has been developed containing all relevant information, links to the survey, participant information sheets and consent information. That site is:
Contact details: If you would like any further information, please contact Desley Simpson, PhD student via
Thank you for your time,
Desley Simpson, Dr Maria O’Reilly and Dr Lauren Miller-Lewis, CQUniversity Australia
What are the characteristics of occupation-centred practice in hand therapy? A Delphi study.
What are the characteristics of occupation-centred practice in hand therapy? A Delphi study.
University Affiliation: Griffith University
Ethics Approval/Reference Number: GU Ref No: 2023/628
Principle Researcher: Ms Jessica Holding
Prof Louise Gustafsson
Prof Matthew Molineux
Dr Dave Parsons
Purpose of study: Occupation-centred practice encourages occupational therapists to ensure occupation sits at the centre of the way they think about and work with clients across all stages of the occupational therapy process. Therapists who practice in an occupation-centred way prioritise the use of occupation-based assessments and interventions; drawing on related knowledge and skills when required.
For occupational therapists working in hand therapy, biomedical and biomechanical knowledge strongly influences the way clinicians work with their clients. Assessment tools and intervention strategies most commonly target impairment at the level of body functions and structures with the assumption that improvement in these domains will translate to improved occupational performance and engagement. However, there is an emerging body of evidence which suggests a top-down occupation-centred approach to hand therapy may contribute to superior outcomes for clients compared to a bottom-up impairment focused approach.
There is a need to add to the body of research and knowledge around occupation-centred practice in hand therapy, particularly in an Australian context. Before this can take place, agreement should be reached regarding the description of characteristics central to this perspective.
Participation Criteria: Eligible participants are those who practice hand therapy in an occupation-centred way. To ensure knowledge and skills are consistent with perceived expertise, inclusion criteria have been established and are as follows:
• Registered occupational therapist or equivalent
• Currently working as a clinician in hand therapy or;
• Currently teaching content related to the practice of hand therapy in a World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) approved education program or;
• Published on the topic of occupation-centred hand therapy;
• Sufficient knowledge of the English language to complete surveys
Survey Link: note, this is a link to an EOI form that includes a participant information sheet and an option to contact the research team.
Contact Details
Ms Jessica Holding
School of Health Sciences and Social Work
Griffith University
T: +61 7 3735 4912
End date for survey: To be confirmed but it is anticipated first round survey will be completed by 29/10/2023 -
Current use of therapeutic groups by Australian private practice occupational therapists servicing community-dwellers with acquired brain injury (ABI): A qualitative interpretive descriptive study
Lead/Chief Investigator:
Prof Elspeth FroudeHDR Student:
Cheryl KotzurHREC:
2915 (ethics approval)Co-Investigators:
Dr Freyr Patterson, Dr Rosamund HarringtonUniversity:
Australian Catholic UniversityProject Description:
This project will be a qualitative interpretive descriptive study involving interviews with Australian private practice occupational therapists servicing community-dwellers with acquired brain injury (ABI).Background:
Group-based interventions are recognised as an effective way to support people with acquired brain injury’s rehabilitation journey and life readjustment. Group facilitation is considered a core skill of occupational therapy and affords clinicians the opportunity to target therapy goals within a social, naturalistic context. In Australia, private practice occupational therapists provide personalised therapeutic services to community-dwellers with acquired brain injury (ABI) following their return to community living from inpatient rehabilitation. Community therapeutic groups can extend the benefits of individual therapy and support individual community reintegration yet it has been problematic for Australian private practice occupational therapists servicing ABI clients to receive financial recompense for providing therapeutic groups.Research Rationale:
This study intends to build upon, expand and enhance current knowledge in the field.Research Aims:
This qualitative interpretive descriptive study seeks to understand current practice of Australian private practice occupational therapists servicing community-dwellers with ABI and identify perceived enablers and barriers to providing therapeutic groups.
If you are a private practice OT servicing community-dwellers with ABI, we would love to hear from you.If you would like more details, or wish to register to participate in this study, please use this link to view the participant information letter, consent information, and registration process.
Employment role transitions for persons with younger onset dementia.
Your name and/or the name of the principle researcher:
Laura Page and Professor Pamela Meredith.
The name of the university with which the study is affiliated:
University of the Sunshine Coast.
Confirmation that your study has received ethics approval:
Ethics approval number: s231819.
To participate, please click on the following link:
Date that the survey closes: 30th April 2024. -
Differences in Personality and Character Traits of Occupational Therapy Clinician Researchers and Non-Researchers Using the HEXACO-PI-R-60 and VIA-IS-72 Short Title Personality and Character Traits and Research Engagement
We are a group of supervised 4th-year occupational therapy students from Curtin University undertaking an honours project to explore how personality and character traits influence research engagement. Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) has approved this study (HREC number HRE2023-0061). 
Your support would be greatly appreciated if you could share our research study on your social media and webpage platforms for the purpose of connecting to potential participants. A copy of our study flyer is attached for circulation and a short project description for your website.
If you have any questions about this advertisement application, please kindly contact Clara Leong at ( Should you have other questions, please contact Dr Kristie Harper at -
An in-depth understanding of employment role transitions for persons with YOD: Experiences and supports.
Researchers: Ms Laura Page. Dr Maria O'Reilly.
University Affiliation: Central Queensland University.
The purpose of the study is to ascertain the expert opinion of AHPRA-registered occupational therapists who are currently or have had experience working with or researching persons with YOD. This research maybe published in a journal or presented at research forums to share the findings of this study.
Human Research Ethics Committee number: 22968.
The experience of occupational therapy students who fail or are at risk of failing a long block professional practice experience.
Principal researcher:
Wendy Milgate; Chief Investigator; PhD Candidate, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, University of Queensland.
Purpose of study:
The purpose of this research is to establish a contemporary understanding of the student experience of failing or near failing a long block professional practice experience. This research will focus on identifying the student specific perspective of this experience as their unique voice is largely underrepresented in the literature.
For the purposes of this research, long block professional practice experiences are five weeks in duration or longer. A student is determined to have failed or near failed a professional practice experience if they were formally evaluated by their practice educator as such on the halfway or final SPEF-R or SPEF-R2 evaluation tool.
Participation criteria:
Participants must be continuing occupational therapy students of an Australian university who have failed or near failed a professional practice experience as determined by the professional practice evaluation tool “Student Practice Evaluation Form – Revised” (SPEF-R and SPEF-R2) (School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, 2020). Student results for this professional practice unit must be finalised and all appeals or reviews must be finalised prior to consenting to participate.
Decription of Study Procedures:
You can participate in an individual semi-structured interview with the Chief Investigator. If your fail or near fail experience was via the Australian Catholic University (Brisbane Campus) you will be interviewed by one other member of the research team (from University of Queensland).
Interviews are expected to be approximately 60 minutes in duration with the ability to include breaks if, and when required. This interview will be offered at a mutually agreed time and may occur face to face, or online via zoom. Face to face interviews will be audio recorded and online interviews will record audio and video.
The recording will be transferred to the UQ research data management system and deleted from local sources. All interviews will be transcribed verbatim by the Chief Investigator or a professional transcription service.
I want to participate! How do I sign up?
To participate in the individual interview, email expressing your interest to participate. Your eligibility to participate will be confirmed and the relevant consent form will then be emailed to you. Return the completed consent form/s to Please retain a copy for your own records. Upon receipt of the completed consent form, an interview time and location will be arranged.
This study adheres to the Guidelines of the ethical review process of The University of Queensland and the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.Ethics ID number: 2022/HE000739