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Neurology & ABI
Neurology & ABI

OTs work to improve the management of cognitive problems and challenging behaviours for those affected by acquir...

Leadership & Management
Leadership & Management

OTs often work in clinical leadership roles with experience in supervision, service development, change managemen...


OTs work to help people be as independent as possible in the activities of their everyday life including driving.

Occupational Justice
Occupational Justice

OTs often work with those in the area of occupational justice, social justice and human rights including refugee ...

Pain Management
Pain Management

Occupational therapists work with individuals and their carers to provide a broad, holistic skill set to pain man...

Guides to Good Practice
Guides to Good Practice

Occupational Therapy Australia works with occupational therapists and other professionals to develop guides to go...

Vision Impairment
Vision Impairment

OTs work with those who live with vision impairment to achieve new strategies and alternative methods of completi...

Working in Australia
Working in Australia

All Australian OTs must be registered with the OTBA (AHPRA). Overseas trained OTs may also be eligible to practis...


Assisting in both assessment and treatment, OTs work with parents, teachers, and other professionals to set speci...