OTA is aware of some members receiving spam emails on behalf of OTA. Rest assured, there has been no security breach and your information remains confidential and protected. Simply mark it as spam and delete it. If you’ve engaged with it, contact your IT provider for further guidance and assistance.

New Benefits of Belonging

Join OTA today and gain access to a suite of member benefits to support you at every stage of your career.

OTA is pleased to announce the launch of two new Benefits of Belonging for OTs.

Eligible Members receive access to these new benefits with their membership.

OT Notification Navigator Service

OTA Members can now access our new Notification Navigator Service.

Members who receive a notification from industry regulators can utilise this service to get access to guidance from qualified Occupational Therapists on how to navigate the notification process.

This service is available as part of a Full Time, Part Time or New Graduate Membership.

To start using this service, email us on memberservices@otaus.com.au or call Member Services on 1300 682 878.

OT Notification Navigator Service FAQs

OT Australia’s Notification Navigator Support Service is a free support service for eligible member occupational therapists who are the subject of a notification through AHPRA, Other Health Complaints Organizations or the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

The service provides eligible members with accessible, professional, confidential, and compassionate assistance throughout a notification process.  The service is staffed by professional practice advisors (PPAs) who are experienced OTs and members of the Professional Practice & Development Team. 

The PPAs role is to listen, support and assist the member with the complaint or notification process.  Part of the PPAs role is to advise members of the resources/support available from relevant agencies.  Health complaint organizations generally have extensive information available for practitioners or a dedicated officer which they can contact for help.

  • Be aware of your obligations to your insurer.  Contact your professional indemnity insurer if you have any concerns or think there may be a risk of a potential complaint.  
  • Review our free member webinar from Aon: Notifying of an Incident that could lead to a Clain: Claims Made Policy.  The webinar can be accessed here.  
  • Seek independent legal advice on your specific situation.  Our OTA Partners may be able to help eg Maurice Blackburn Lawyers or if you are insured with Aon, they offer up to 2 hours free legal advice to members.  

A complaint can be about a range of issues regarding the health, performance or conduct of a health professional.  The following websites have useful information about the specifics: 

See advice from AHPRA in their Occupational Therapy Board of Australia - June 2024 newsletter.

AHPRA and other health complaint organizations have extensive information available on their websites which give a good overview of the process and FAQs.  Some also have comprehensive guidelines to help you through the process.  We would encourage you to read the information provided and contact the appropriate organization if you require more information. 


NSW Healthcare Complaints Commission 

QLD Office of the Health Ombudsman (OHO) 

NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission  

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission 

The first place to start is to speak to the agency involved eg AHPRA, to discuss your concerns.  If you feel your concerns have not been resolved you may wish to contact the National Health Practitioner Ombudsman and Privacy Commissioner (nhpo.gov.au)

The Ombudsman investigates complaints, facilitate resolutions and make recommendations to improve the regulation of Australia’s registered health practitioners. 

There is an overview of the complaints they can assist with here: Complaints we assist with | National Health Practitioner Ombudsman and Privacy Commissioner (nhpo.gov.au) 

This page also gives an overview of how the Ombudsman can help practitioners: Ombudsman complaints | National Health Practitioner Ombudsman and Privacy Commissioner (nhpo.gov.au) 

Sound Organizational Policies 

Make sure you have sound organizational policies in place to manage a range of issues including health records, consent, privacy and complaints mechanisms.  This is just as important if you are a sole practitioner.  If you do not have a policies in place, our OTA partner WorkPlacePLUS may be able to assist you.  

Encourage Evidence Based & Best Practice 

Ensure you are utilizing evidence and supporting best practice as an sole practitioner or within an organization.  Some of the following resources may be of help: 

Australian Privacy Principles 

Manage health information and consent.  All health records must be managed in accordance with the OAIC Australian Privacy Principles.  Be aware of and comply with the Australian Privacy Principles guidelines | OAIC and review the information for Health service providers | OAIC 

Complaints Management Mechanisms 

Read and implement advice from health complaint organisations about how to prepare for and manage complaints eg: 

Seek independent workplace advice if you need help developing appropriate policies and procedures for your organization.  One of our OTA Partners, WorkplacePLUS, may be able to assist.  They offer an up to 30min free telephone consultation for OTA members.  

Follow Professional Codes & Guidelines 

Be aware of and comply with all relevant codes of conduct, competency standards, guidelines and ethics to ensure high quality services and best practice eg: 

Be Aware of and Meet Compliance Obligations 

Ensure you are meeting your obligations in terms of provider compliance and be prepared for a random audit: 

Work Within your Scope of Practice 

A helpful resource to help you work through whether an activity is within or out of scope is the OT Australia Scope of Practice Framework.  The World Federation of Occupational Therapists Guiding Principles for Ethical OT can also be found by searching their resource list here.  This resource has a section on occupation focus which is critical to Occupational Therapy. 

You may also need to contact your insurer to ensure you have the appropriate professional indemnity coverage in place.  

Undertake Appropriate CPD and Skill Development 

Ensure you have the appropriate training, skills and experience needed to perform your role.  Discuss your needs with your professional supervisor or employer and have a CPD plan in place to gain and update the skills you require.  Be sure to undertake CPD through reputable sources to ensure best practice.  OTA CPD offerings can be found here.  

Clinical Governance Framework 

Ensure you have a robust clinical governance framework in place and have sound organizational policies to guide your practice.  If you do not have polices in place, one of our OTA Partners, WorkPlacePLUS, may be able to help.  They offer a free initial telephone consultation up to 30mins. 

Some helpful resources include: 

Engage Appropriate Professional Supervision 

Ensure you and your staff have access to regular good quality supervision to help guide your practice and engage in regular review and reflection.  The benefits and parameters of supervision can be found in our Professional Supervision Framework.  If you do not have a supervisor through your workplace, we recommend you seek this out.  You may use your professional networks to source someone appropriate or search via our Find an OT page (choose professional supervision in the drop down menu).  

Seek Early Career Support 

If you are an early career OT, seek support, supervision and guidance. Our Early Career Launchpad offers access to lots of helpful information and resources.  

Consider Engaging a Mentor 

Professional Association Support 

Join your professional association for additional professional support and networking opportunities: OTA Member Benefits 

Engage in Networking and Professional Support 

Engaging with colleagues and other professional networks is a good way to stay abreast of current issues and practice.  Some options may include: 

Yes, our membership Terms and Conditions state: “It is the responsibility of the member to advise OTA of any cancellation or suspension of registration with AHPRA within 10 workings days.” 

You can read the full Membership Terms and Conditions here. 

Being subject to a complaint or notification can be a stressful process and it is important to look after yourself and your staff.  There are many support services available for practitioners involved in a notification or complaint.  See the following for some examples:

Service Disclaimer

The OT Notification Navigator provided by Occupational Therapy Australia (OTA) is designed to offer general support for practitioners who may be subject to a complaint or notification. OTA does not have the authority to investigate complaints or comment on the validity of a complaint made about a practitioner to a health complaints organisation or regulator body.  The information and support provided is intended for use as a guide of a general nature only. While every reasonable effort is made to ensure accuracy of the information, no guarantee can be given that the information is free from error or omission, nor is it exhaustive of the subject matter.  Persons following guidance from the support service must exercise their own independent skill or judgement and seek appropriate professional and legal advice. OTA is unable to give legal, workplace or insurance advice and we encourage practitioners to seek this from appropriately qualified persons.   


OTA Members’ EAP

We have recently partnered with TELUS Health, an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider. TELUS Health is a full-service assistance program providing confidential work, life, and well-being consultations.

Through this partnership, TELUS Health offers OTA Members access to a range of support services, including counselling and other resources to help you navigate daily life and work challenges. Consultants are available 24/7.

Please note that gaining access to the EAP via its dedicated online portal may take up to 30 days. However, you are eligible to use it now. If you would like immediate access, please contact our team on 1300 682 878

What is TELUS Health EAP?

TELUS Health EAP is a full-service employee assistance program (EAP) and work/life/wellbeing resource that provides confidential consultations, information and resources, and referrals to counselling.

Why is this important? How can the EAP benefit members?

We understand the pressures faced by our members. By offering this EAP service, we're demonstrating our commitment to member well-being. Members get support anytime, anywhere, through phone, online platform, or face-to-face consultations (available 24/7). The EAP can equip members with tools and strategies to manage challenges and improve their overall well-being.

What are the benefits?

  • Counselling services: 3 sessions per unique issue raised, with no limit on the number of issues addressed.
  • Wellbeing resources: Access to well-being assessments, toolkits, interactive programs, meditations, articles, and more - all available via the dashboard and app.
  • Manager resources: Support for career development.
  • Exclusive offers: Discounts on various services like Apple, Google store, Booking.com, UberEats, and more (accessed via the dashboard and app).

Who can access the EAP?

This valuable benefit is included as part of your Full Time or New Graduate membership and is available via a separate and dedicated online portal. 

As a Part Time Member, you can access this new benefit by transitioning to Full Time Membership for only $69.

Speak to our team about converting your membership today on 1300 682 878

How can I access the EAP?

  • Online portal - eligible members will get access to the online portal.
  • Toll-free by phone - available 24 hours, seven days a week.

What are the qualifications of EAP counsellors?

EAP counsellors are highly qualified and are carefully screened to verify their credentials and level of experience. Counsellors are required to have a Master’s degree in psychology, social work, occupational therapy, educational counselling, or other related human services field.

Is TELUS Health confidential?

Yes. TELUS Health take the utmost care to protect the identity of its users. The only exceptions to confidentiality include those governed by law, i.e., required to release documents under court subpoena, and have a duty to intervene and report if a consultant or counsellor deems an individual to be at imminent risk of harm to self or others.

You can find out more about TELUS Health in these videos.

Become a member today


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