OT with Children: Principles of Assessment & Intervention

OT with Children: Principles of Assessment & Intervention

Presented by Frances Dobson & Olivia Jackson. This workshop is suitable for occupational therapists who are interested in entering or are new to paediatrics or who would like to feel more confident in their current role as an occupational therapist working in paediatrics.

Program Overview

This online workshop is now sold out! 

If you would like to be added to the waitlist for this event and/or future dates please contact info@otaus.com.au 




This is a 3 day workshop for occupational therapists who are interested in entering paediatric practice, new to paediatrics or who would like to feel more confident in their current role as an occupational therapist working in paediatrics. The workshop will include lectures, group work, personal reflection, case studies and a practical session. 


This course is suitable for early career therapists, new therapists and therapists considering moving across to a paediatric focus and students.


At the end of the workshop participants will:

  • Feel confident in explaining the occupational therapy role to parents, children and other professionals
  • Understand key principles of assessment and intervention including: family-centred practice, attachment, behaviour, sensory processing, executive function, play and development.
  • Understand key assessment areas and assessment methods
  • Know how to establish family-centred therapy goals
  • Feel more confident in writing reports
  • Be aware of commonly-used treatment approaches
  • Understand how to provide effective intervention within diverse service delivery models and settings.
  • Know how to measure outcomes
  • Understand how to use evidence-based practice, clinical reasoning and reflection
  • Understand professional issues including scope of practice
  • Be able to identify professional development needs
  • Be aware of the importance of professional supervision / mentoring
  • Have own questions answered or be aware of how to access appropriate support
  • Develop therapy plans
  • Develop your personal therapy style
  • Understanding of basic OT interventions


Frances Dobson
MappSc (Occ. Ther.), BAppSc (Occ. Ther.), Dip AppSc (Occ.Ther)

Frances graduated from Cumberland College of Health Sciences (now The University of Sydney) in 1979, completed certification in Sensory Integration in 1983, and obtained a Master of Health Science (Occupational Therapy) specializing in developmental disabilities through the University of Sydney in 2001. Since 1981 Frances has worked with children and families in a range of settings and specialist multi-disciplinary teams, mainly within community health. Frances has worked with children with a wide range of conditions and needs, using a variety of treatment approaches and models of service delivery. Her particular areas of clinical interest include working with babies and young children, children with developmental delays and Autism Spectrum Disorders, and with vulnerable families and communities. She has a strong commitment to family-centred practice, and to strength-based and capacity building approaches.  Frances has been active in continuing her own professional education as well as providing education to families, students, occupational therapists, other professionals and organisations, and community groups. She regularly provides mentoring to other occupational therapists.

Olivia Jackson
BAppSc (OT) and MHlthSc (OT)

Olivia has a BAppSc (OT) and MHlthSc (OT), both through the University of Sydney. She has 30 years experience working with children 0-18 years with a wide range of disabilities and diagnoses, within community settings and using a variety of models of service delivery. Olivia has owned and operated her private practice, Occupational Therapy Paediatric Services, since 2004. She has a particular interest in supporting children and their families with complex needs as well as advocating for the role of therapy in schools. With a speech pathologist, Olivia runs CPD for teachers, and is an endorsed provider of these workshops by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). Olivia is enrolled in the HDR program at The University of Sydney, with her research topic focused on mentorship and its role in paediatric practice in Australia. She is also an associate lecturer at the University. She supervises 6 occupational therapists within her own practice and regularly mentors paediatric occupational therapists externally. Olivia has a strong commitment to continuing professional development.


This interactive course will be delivered via Zoom.
Registrants will be sent a link to register through zoom closer to the workshop start date.


  • Access to a reliable internet connection
  • A device with both a camera and microphone
  • You may wish to print course materials ahead of the workshop

Total CPD claimable workshop hours: 24

Friday 17 September 2021
Thurdsay 23 September 2021
Friday 24 September 2021

9:00am - 5:00pm | NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS |
8:30am - 4:30pm | SA, NT |
7:00am - 3:00pm | WA |

Your presenter will open the waiting room 30 minutes prior to allow you time to login and test your technology.


EARLY BIRD FEES: register on or before 25 August 2021
*Early bird registration close Friday 25 August 2021, 5:00pm AEST

STANDARD FEES: register from 26 August 2021
OTA Member: $1085
OTA Student/ New Graduate Member: $975
Non Member: $1410

(All pricing is inclusive of GST)

*Registrations close Tuesday 16 September 2021, 11.55pm AEST eg

Members must be logged in with username and password in order to register at the member rate.


Our workshop materials are now provided to you electronically via an online platform, Course Genius. Approximately one week prior to the commencement of the workshop we will email instructions for you to follow to access these workshop resources.

If you do not receive this correspondence within the time frame stated above, please contact the OTA representative ASAP using the contact details below. 

To ensure you receive all correspondence we recommend registering for this workshop with a personal email address.


All information is correct at the time of publication. OTA reserves the right to alter or delete items from the CPD calendar as required, and takes no responsibility for any errors, omissions and changes.

All workshop resources including copies of the presentation, along with all supporting documents and links are not for distribution and are the property of the presenter.

An OTA staff member or representative may be photographing this event for use in OTA publications and/ or on OTA social media sites. If you do not wish to be photographed, or have your image published please make this known to the OTA representative at your course or contact OTA on 1300 682 878 or at info@otaus.com.au


T&C's are available here


Please direct all enquiries to info@otaus.com.au or phone 1300 682 878

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